Kathleen Oien (Yogachi), when teaching yoga at the YogaChi Studio (35 Cameleer Lane, Strathnairn ACT) and at Downer Community Centre (Frencham Place, Downer ACT) agrees to the following conditions:
Physical Distancing:
YogaChi Studio - a maximum of 8 yoga students will be allowed to attend class at the YogaChi Studio (excluding instructor).
Downer Community Centre - a maximum of 10 yoga students will be allowed to attend class in the West Hall of the Downer Community Centre (excluding instructor).
A strict limit of a minimum of 4 square metres will be maintained per person. Distancing will be continually monitored during yoga classes.
Students will be guided where to place their yoga mats so as to maintain appropriate distance.
Contact Tracing:
All attendees will be required to book for a class online. No ‘drop-ins’ will be accepted.
All attendees will be required to check in to class using the Check In CBR app.
Records of class attendees for every class will be maintained. Contact details will include name, email address and phone number.
Hygiene Protocols and Practices:
Alcohol-based hand sanitiser will be available, and students will be asked to sanitise their hands upon entry.
All bookings and payments will be conducted online. Credit card payments only will be accepted on site.
Frequently touched areas and surfaces (e.g. door handles) will be cleaned and disinfected before and after each yoga class.
Students may be required to bring their own yoga mats and any other props.
This COVID Safety Plan will be reviewed on a regular basis, and updated to reflect changing conditions.
Prepared by:
Kathleen Oien, YogaChi
m: 0424 271 558
35 Cameleer Lane, Strathnairn ACT